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For over 70 years, Aero Fliers has been the premier flying club in Northeast, Ohio. Based at the Akron Fulton Airport (AKR), our hangar is located at the north end of the field off of Municipal Service Center Road near the airport's fixed based operator, (FBO). You can find us on AOPA Club Finder. We are a non-profit club with 501 (c)7 status. Aero Fliers owns a Cessna 182 Skylane and a Beechcraft Debonair. We have recently purchased a Mooney 231 M20k with a turbo charged engine. All three are IFR certified and equipped with approach-certified GPS. They are all ADS-B certified. They are protected by hangars in our building and scheduled through an online system. The club offers member instructors that can train private pilot members to achieve advanced ratings. We require a minimum rating of private pilot to join the club.

The purpose of Aero Fliers, Inc. is to provide its members the means of obtaining educational and proficiency flying time based on four major concepts:
Safe Operation
Low cost including initial membership fee, per hour flying rate, growth and improvement costs.
Maximize flying time availability per member including schedule flexibility.
Equipment quality, quantity and versatility based upon Club membership and financial growth.

Fleet in 1976
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